KENTWOOD, Louisiana (AP) -- Folks in Britney Spears' hometown don't see the humor in the superstar's weekend wedding joke.
Spears' 55-hour marriage to fellow Kentwood resident and childhood friend Jason Alexander has engulfed
the town in an unwanted media frenzy and it has rekindled an old question: What's she done for Kentwood lately?
"It's embarrassing to have the worldwide media attention with the buildings in such rundown, decrepit
conditions," said Tammy Shaffett, a co-owner of The Hair Studio on Avenue F, the main street that once had traffic and a movie
The wedding had the makings of a great yarn. Alexander a hulking former high school football player
and Spears, wearing a white baseball cap, midriff-bearing shirt and torn jeans, jumped in a limousine and got hitched at the
Little White Wedding Chapel on the Strip at 5:30 a.m. Saturday.
Hours later, the 22-year-olds renounced their wedding by calling it a prank that went too far, and
wrote the whole thing off with an annulment. Joke over.
But the stunt turned into an embarrassment for Kentwood population 2,200 as Alexander returned home
to his family with a flock of reporters, television crews and paparazzi following.
Since getting home, the Southeastern Louisiana University junior was "kind of hibernating" and collecting
his thoughts, said his father, Dennis Alexander.
The media hunt for Alexander overwhelmed Kentwood as reporters questioned the town's residents to find
Spears' groom. Reporters staked out his family's home and sheriff's deputies were called in two days in a row to disperse
the crowd.
"Yesterday it really caused chaos," said Robert Alexander, Jason's grandfather. He said Dennis Alexander,
an auto mechanic, had to close his garage Monday because of the intrusion.
Downtown, television satellite trucks set up near the main intersection, causing locals to rubberneck
all day.
Some said they want to be proud of Spears and her success, but think the pop star hasn't shared her
wealth with her hometown, which is languishing from a dying dairy farming industry.
"I wish the improvement of our town got as much attention as Britney Spears' wedding," said Dylea White,
a co-owner of The Hair Studio.
"She should give some of her money to the town. She should help out. I know if I had some of that money
I would," said resident Heather Patterson.
Spears' publicist did not immediately return a telephone call for comment.
And now that Spears has abandoned her wholesome girl-next-door persona with tales of wild partying,
her nearly nude magazine spreads and the kiss she shared with Madonna, many people here don't like what she represents.
"She's not building character. She's not a mentor to anyone," said Ellice Womack.
There are some signs that Spears hails from here: a mansion she built for her family, a few banners
on stores and an exhibit at the Kentwood Museum.
The exhibit, done on a shoestring, includes faded photographs of the budding pop star. Items from her
childhood bedroom, including dolls and her bed, are on display behind glass. Her "Mouseketeer" leather jacket hangs in a corner.
"She's just a very nice, hometown country girl," said Carolyn Nettles, a museum worker. "We all know
her. She's just like one of us."