As I listen to the words of my new Britney Spears CD--her new one:
In the Zone--I can't help but--be move. My music that knows how to reach your heart, touch your soul. We all have
our own type. This is mine. Ut's mine. That's the entire point. Lack od respect--lack of good reputation on her part, it won't
change either one of our passions. Not ever. That's why I won't deny what I like. I give into it. It's not wrong. I can't
choose my music on how other people think. I choose it on my own levels. I choose it on what I think.
I have a repsect for the fact that there is more than one type of music out there. A great respect.
As well as for those who choose their music by what they like. The song "Everytime" really does get me. I love
it. The power. It speaks to my heart. And the fact that, although I'm not the only one, not everyone will say the same. Why?
People are different. What speaks to you?