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Why am I still a fan? Why do I not agree that Britney is just a slut?
I see a person within the celebrity.

I started Help Britney about two years ago, going on three. Britney had only been coming out with her third album. She was dating Justin Timberlake. That's all changed, and so has Britney.
Britney changed a lot of things. She came out as a young, blossoming 16-year-old teeny bop artist that all the guys wanted to do. Now, she's more sexual. Her reputation has been shot. Everyone laughs at her. They laugh at the fans who still see something more than a slut within her.
Britney is changing. I agree that she gets a little carried away in her videos and such. I agree that it gets old. I watched "My Prerogative" and the video definitely got my attention with her driving a car into a pool. That was a great start. It kinda lost me though when nothing else like that happened. I'm not sure if she'll ever stop selling sex, one day it may happen. She's young, though. She's not perfect. And she's also under a lot of pressure.
Britney Spears didn't grow up like normal people. She went from age 15 on to growing up in the music business. That's all she's known. It's amazing and she's lucky, but she is also a real human being.
I like Britney Spears because of her music. I don't like the newer stuff as much as the old stuff. She tried to get less into the pop, but I say there isn't music that good anymore. That was my kinda music. I got into her more, though. She was really cool to watch. Britney has this natural flare in her that gets you. It entertains you. On stage, she has an amazing presence. But, deep down, she's always been just a southern girl who is plain and simply a dork.
My attitude is changing anymore about this. I started this website with an attitude of wanting to completely attack Antis when they had something bad to say. I realize how immature they were. I see that most of the time at least, I did have something more mature to say. I won't take any of it back either. I don't attack with bad names. I won't attack with like "She's not a slut! Sexy clothes don't make you a slut". Oh no. I have a different argument.
For one, it's immature to call her a slut all the time. Especially since half the girls we see would dress the same. Especially since she's married. What? Are we saying that she messes around with other men than Kevin? I think she probably cheated on Justin. I heard rumors she did Wade, but none of that's for certain. Things get twisted. All people show when they say Britney, or anyone, is a slut when they have no clue other than what they see is immature. It doesn't make them any better than Britney. What are you gaining anyway? Do you honestly think that by helping the rumors it's gonna stop her career, stop what she does, stop anything?
It hasn't so far. All she's proven is her individuality, her strength, and her love for what she does. You don't have the power to stop that. And I don't have the power to stop what you say.
I made this site for Britney Spears because people get out of line. I don't need to tell her to be strong and not to listen to them though.
By acting the way she does in her videos, she already is proving to them that they can't stop her.
Maybe the way she acts sometimes isn't christian, But hey, we're not perfect. And something special inside of her is making her shine. That something special is what makes you hate her. It's because she's so special that millions have the ablity to put her down.
She doesn't have to say anything. Those who have eyes can see her strength. Just like a child made fun of on the playground, she's made it through. And she's taught a great lesson. She's showed girls all over to never give up.