In the beginning of Britney Spears's career, she was 16 years old and mostly looked so sweet and
innocent like an innocent teenager. But, Britney outgrew that. Since no human being is that sweet and innocent, along with
her image changing 2 years later when Britney recorded her second album, society wouldn't accept it so well. Compare album
covers and argue with me. From the smiling blue jean skirt and all the pink, to the belly-shirt with a touch of a bad girl
image. A jump all in a period of two years. Rumors spread and people started to look at her after hearing the rumors. Her
reputation wasn't very good. Maybe it really was that Britney Spears was too young when she started her career, even though
she broke several records, and made some of her own. Her first album has gone over 5 times platinum by now. But, obviously
there is something unique about her since there are several artists who wear sexier (sluttier) clothes than she has. The girl
is 22 now. Maybe the public just wanted her to stay that sweet 16-year old, but she just grew up.
Other educated opinions? Would you like me to post them? Don't put in my guestbook, but email me.
. Remember: You can be an anti or a fan, etc to send them, but they must be educated and make sense.
Sweet and Innocent to...... |

.....A little bit of a bad girl |
