This website was created when I was 14 years
old. From the time I was about 11, I became a fan of Britney Spears from her first CD. Before then, I only listened to country
music--the music I grew up with. Britney was the first artist I truly found my place in and called my own. And her music forever
has a place in my heart.
In created in website, it was basically out
of anger from reading a site wanting to stop Britney's career. I was a little immature...but I had a lot of good points up
my sleeve that I tend to still agree with. I was also a girl who got a lot of discrimination whenever I told someone I liked
Britney Spears...and that was very very wrong for me to have to feel that way. However, I am now 17, a singer and a lyricist
(not professionally...but the music business in my goal). POP music isn't as much my main music as it once but...although
it will always have a place. I'm more into alternative rock and with lyrics that I relate to and are powerful.
I also don't care as much what people think because I am who I am...and I know what I know and people who want to be immature
about it have their own problems.
These are the lyrics to
Britney's new song. At the age of 23, she is inspiring me even still but producing a beautiful poetic song to her unborn child.
I'll get sappy is sappy...but it's also deep. It's about pregnancy, being a woman, and celebrating womanhood.
It's definately one of the most different...yet most mature...and one of my favorite songs ever of Britney Spears.
"Someday (I Will Understand)"
Performed and Written by Britney Spears
1:] Nothing seems to be the way That it used to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me And
tell me somebody is watching Over me And that is all I'm praying is that
Someday I will understand In God's
whole plan And what he's done to me Oh but maybe Someday I will breathe And I'll finally see I'll see it all
in my baby
[Verse 2:] Don't you run too fast my dear Why don't you stop? Just stop and listen to your
tears They're all you've got It's in you You see somebody is watching Over you And that is all I'm praying
is that
Someday you will understand In God's whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you
will breathe And you'll finally see You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby
No moment Will
be more true Than the moment I look at you
It's in you You see somebody is watching Over you And that
is all I'm praying is that
Someday you will understand In God's whole plan And what he does to you Oh but
maybe Someday you will breathe And you'll finally see You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your
baby You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby
Dear Fans,
I am going to start writing this column now as often as possible. The reason being is so I can talk directly to you, my
fans, who have stuck by me & who continue to support me. Also, I'm not going to be as busy as my Mom. She's running behind
my sister like crazy! I am also going to take some time off to enjoy life. I've actually learned to say "NO!" With this newly
found freedom, its like people don't know how to act around me. Should we talk to her like we did when she was 16 or like
the Icon everyone says she is? My prerogative right now is to just chill & let all of the other overexposed blondes on
the cover of Us Weekly be your entertainment... GOOD LUCK GIRLS!! I'm sorry that my life seemed like it was all over the place
the past 2 years, it's probably because IT WAS! I understand now what they mean when they talk about child stars. Going &
going & going is all I've ever known since I was 15 years old. It's amazing what advisors will push you to do, even if
it means taking a naive, young, blonde girl & putting her on the cover of every magazine.
I know now that my knee gave out on me this past summer so that I would have no choice but to stop. My body was shutting
down and needed rest. It's funny how the Man upstairs works. Right now, I have to go-- I really want to watch "Saved" with
Mandy Moore and re-runs of "Sex and the City." I want to enjoy all of the simple things that I missed over the past few years
due to working way too much.
Being married is GREAT and I can't wait to start my family! There is so much change going on right now... not only with
me, but in the world, as well. So, the next time you see my face, hear one of my songs or even if I'm the topic of your next
conversation, please remember that times are changing & so am I.
Love always, Britney
P.S. I look forward to writing you all again soon. Kevin and I are finally able to take our Honeymoon!!
Britney Spears is a phenominal pop singing artist who is famous all
over the world. But, over the years she's been famous, people have made up rumors about Britney that are so widespread,
it's putting Britney Spears fans to shame, and into hiding that they truly are a fan. It causes too many of them to deny they
are fans, and some even to fall right with the rumors and show hartred towards Britney Spears. All of this, and none of the
rumors have been proven. It's runining people's lives.
After I saw a Stop Britney website, it made me mad that people are
ACTUALLY trying to stop Britney Spears's career because of some lame rumors. So, I made a website of my own. It was originally
on Expage, but I decided it would be better on tripod.
This site is for-
Britney Spears: I know I don't really know you, but neither does any Anti-Britney people. I am making
this for you because NO ONE deserves the type of torment I know this Anti-Britney stuff has put you through. Even if any of
the rumors are true.
The fans: I don't know all of you, either, but I know who you admire. It's not your fault Anti-Britney
has taken over. Don't let them override you. Always be true to yourselves.
Anti-Britney: I don't know all of you either, but I know what you're for. Leave Britney Spears alone.
Stop being so gullible in believing lame rumors. You're the type of people that ruin others lives.
You're in my prayers.
Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you enjoy it and please sign the guestbook. Thank you.
You may write me down in history With
your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset
with gloom? 'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns, With the
certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll
Did you want to see me broken? Bowed
head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you? Don't
you take it awful hard 'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words, You
may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air,
I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come
as a suprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame I rise Up
from a past that's rooted in pain I rise I'm
a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I
rise Into a daybreak that's wonderously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am
the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise
--Maya Angelou
About Me
My name is Jessica, I'm 19, and I live in Illinois. I've been a Britney Spears fan since she has
pretty much been in the business. From hearing her music the first time, until today. I never believe the rumors, and I cannot
help but like her music. I do like her style, mostly. Some of it I'm not the craziest about, but I remember, I'm not her.
She is 26 years old, an adult, and it's her life. I would have never thought the gullibility of rumors would spread so far
like it has today. I believe that I will be a Britney Fan for Life. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind.
I will fight for myself, for the fans, and for Britney. I don't know her, and nor do any of the Anti-Britney, and that's a
part of this. So do not tell me "You don't know her either," because I'm aware of that. My site is about respect to her as
a person. Not about going whether or not the rumors are true, but about respect, because you don't know if they are or not.
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