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Old Guestbook Responses

Responses from the guestbook on the old website.

This page is of guestbook entries on the old website on expage. It contains responses I wanted to make. I first decided to respond to my guestbook entries, when I saw an entry saying how most people who visit my site don't like Britney and that she feels sorry for me.
Well, Miss girl who hates preps over there ought to know she shouldn't feel sorry for me, she should feel sorry about the people who are so retarded all they can put is stupid stuff in my guestbook instead of actually giving me an argument.
First, I would like to thank all the Britney fans who support my site. You guys rock!


Well, sorry I haven't updated in months. I've been planning on it, but haven't gotten to it. When I saw an entry earlier saying how most of the people who visit my site don't like Brit and that she feels sorry for me, I had to finally update it. Miss girl who hates preps over there ought to know she shouldn't feel sorry for me, she should feel sorry about the people who are so retarded all they can put is stupid stuff in my guestbook instead of actually giving me an argument.
First, thanks to all the Britney fans out there who support this site! You guys rock!
Now, to the entries with arguments. Someone put this:
ppl have a right 2 their own opinion ok? who cares if they d ont like her, jus ignore them! i happen 2 think she is a gay
sl*t & there aint nuthin u kin do a/b i t so f*ck off!

It's interesting how they say people have a right to their opinion but then say things that aren't opinions. Britney being gay and a ____ are two things that can be proven whether she is or not. That's not an opinion. Saying you think she dresses like a sl*t or a lesbian are opinions.
Oh! Samantha, I'd like to tell you that apparently pop is getting the most power because it's bigger than rock.
Someone also said that Britney deserves to rot in hell. Well, that proves how cold-hearted the human race can be. You don't even know her and you're judging her like that. What gives you the right? Maybe you're the one who deserves to rot in hell.
Alex said: go to my page^ she is sooo gross
why do u say u dont know britney, well neither do you? put a comment on my site
-I'm saying you don't know Britney because none of you don't. See my new disclaimer for my response.

Here's another one:
OH I FORGOT SHE WROTE DEAR DIARY, WHAT A TOUCHING SONG, YOUR BRAINWASHED, HUN. is up with the "BRITNEY DOESN'T WRITE HER OWN SONGS" cry. First of all, she does. Secondly, what does it matter whether she does or not? Do you know how many people can sing but not song write? And how many can song write but not sing? A LOT. This isn't even an argument. Use this against Britney helpers and you'll be killed! Just for reference. Britney's first album: no songs of hers were written on it. 2nd: She wrote "Dear Diary". 3rd: She wrote 5 of the songs.
And I am NOT brainwashed. I am simply a person who likes pop music and is sick of tired of being treated like less than a human being because I like Britney Spears and is sick of watching you people single her out!
Alex later said: I mean I am not like out to hurt britney or anything. she just gets on my nerves
-You're learning, hun. That's what I got to tell you.
Someone said: Yo wats crackalatin, my name is Brittany Spears That's right im a gay fag, and i know you're talking
sh*t about me behind my back y ou ho so
back out of sh*t that aint your biznass~BS b*tch

I know it's not Britney. I'm not stupid. But one good point is made in that entry...people should back out of sh*t that isn't their business. Britney Spears is a singer. What do you really care what she does in her personal life?
Someone said:britney spears
DOnt be riting tese msgs about me ur makin me cry and i dont sing in rags :( boo
-You people do make Britney cry.
little yellow bird wrote: britney sez shes innocent and a virgin but her videos totally prove that wrong
-You can't tell from music videos if someone is a virgin or if they're innocent. DUH!!

Vanessa, from Stop Britney, wrote: Hey you little wench thanx 4 supporting my Antisite so much this way,cuz ya know all the ppl will come and tell me how cool mah site is!!!

-Im not supporting your site, Im stating the site Im against. I may cause support by doing this, but I may also cause people to go against it. Your site is just a bunch of trash making fun of Britney Spears and theres nothing mature about it. Maybe you should make a page that might state WHY you believe all these lame rumors and WHAT proves them (which is nothing, Im sure).

Check your guestbook, there are plenty of fans who sign it. Youve got people against it too. Youre not all you think you are. Britney is going to keep on with her career, doing what she wants to do, and make it, and theres nothing you can do about it.