This part of my site wasn't so successful. I think more people wanted to give moral support than
to get too serious with it, which is fine.I'm simply keeping this up in case anyone is interested. I have plenty of people
giving moral support in many different ways, which I am perfectly happy with.
Welcome to the Official Help Britney Clique fans. Uniting Britney Spears fans to help Britney. To
join, just email me at Tell me you wanna join, your name, email address,
and a message for all to see. I'll post you on the page. And if you have a Britney website, tell me it, and I'll put it on
You can help Britney by simply sending in the above information, and having me put it on this page,
showing your support, or, you can have me actually keep you in touch and you can help with the site, sending things to put,
and ideas, and/or debating with Anti-Britney's. I need all the help I can get. Trust me, it's hard work doing all this. But
in the long run, it's well worth it.